Data Security

We understand the importance of data security and the sensitivity of the information shared by our clients.

At Shadow Financial Services, we understand the importance of data security and the sensitivity of the information shared by our clients. To maintain the confidentiality and trust of our clients, we invest in the highest standards of data security and compliance norms.

Compliance with SOC 2 Type II Standards We are compliant with the highest standards of data security and compliance norms (SOC 2 Type II) as per guidance issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA).

SOC 2 Type II is a voluntary standard that lays out guidelines on how data should be managed and protected based on five principles: security, availability, integrity, confidentiality, and privacy.






Physical Security
Our office premises are accessible only with access cards or badges issued to employees, and we monitor the issuance of these cards through a cycle count. We also use high-definition CCTV cameras to monitor our premises 24/7. All confidential documents are stored securely with limited access. We encrypt all hard drives to prevent data extraction in case a team member loses a laptop. USB drives are disabled except for essential peripherals such as mouse, monitor, keyboard, etc.

IT Control
We use Sophos firewall and end-point protection (anti-virus) to protect our network and endpoints. We do not allow access to potentially risky websites, downloads, etc. All laptops are set up to time-out after a short duration of no usage to avoid unauthorized access. We take regular data backups to ensure data recovery in case of a disaster.

Teaming with IT Experts
We have partnered with a highly-qualified team of IT professionals who manage our data security and IT needs. A dedicated IT professional is also based in our office for any issues team members may have to avoid loss of any productive time.

Tailored Data Exchange
Our team members follow secure protocols, such as VDI, to exchange information with clients. These protocols are discussed during the client onboarding process to avoid any information leakage.

Third-Party Background Verification
All our team members go through a third-party background check that includes a review of their education, employment, police verification, and other criminal records. This check ensures that we have a trustworthy team of professionals handling our clients’ sensitive information.